Atlin Mountain Coffee, Trailblazer (Whole Bean, Organic) 400g
Colombia excelso, full city roast.
- Columbia AMUCC excelso
- Region: Cauca
- Growing Altitude 1750 m
- Arabica Variety: Castillo, Caturra
- Harvest Period: September - December
- Process: Washed, sun-dried on patios
- Grown in the shade under tree cover of well over 33 native species.
About AMUCC:
AMUCC stands for Associatcion de Mujeres Caficultoras del departamento del Cauca. It is an association of 190 women coffee growers in the Cauca under the umbrella of the Caficauca cooperative.
The farms are small, often no larger than 1.1 hectare.
15% of AMUCC are indigenous Mestizos, descendants of the original inhabitants of this region.
The women of AMUCC are a model for sustainable organic farming in Colombia.