100g Royal Ceylon Gunpowder Green Tea

100g Royal Ceylon Gunpowder Green Tea

Metropolitan Tea Company

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A green tea with surprising body and a captivating taste that has an intriguing hint of oakiness.

Luxury Ingredients: Green tea

Small Batch Blended and Packed in: Canada

Tea(s) From: Sri Lanka

Region(s): Dimbula

Antioxidant Level: Super High

Caffeine Content: Low 

Gunpowder tea is produced like green tea but after the steaming  process the tea is tightly rolled into what appears to be pellets.  When  boiling water is poured over the leaves they quickly expand and in some  cases can almost fill the cup.  Royal Gunpowder is an especially good  green tea for the following reasons:
- The base tea comes from some of the best estates in Sri Lanka
- The tightness of the rolled pellets gives excellent flavour when made into tea.
 - The region where the tea is grown - Dimbula - is a high grown area  producing full-bodied flavory tea. In Dimbula the peak quality time is  during February when northwest monsoons create dry weather conditions in  Dimbula.

Royal Gunpowder tea is manufactured in very limited  quantities due to the time and diligence required to manufacture this  high quality tea.  It is very difficult to achieve such a tight roll of  leaves; but this process allows this particular type of tea to able to  be stored for a long time without any deterioration in quality.

Tea  was planted in Sri Lanka by the British in the 1860's after coffee rust  wiped out the then primary agricultural coffee crop. At that time the  British East Indies Company had a near monopoly on tea, with most of  Britain's needs coming from China. Relations between China and Britain  were quite rocky during this period (on account of the opium trade) and  tea in Sri Lanka looked like a great way to diversify supply risk by  'the company'. This gunpowder tea is made in the Chinese tradition but  the benefits are superior quality tea.

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