100g Blueberry Bang Flavoured Rooibos Tea
Sprightly fresh fruit character that conjures memories of tiny flavorful blueberries. The aroma portends a wonderful taste experience.
Luxury Ingredients: Rooibos, Hibiscus, Apple, Elderberries, Currants (a.k.a. Corinthian raisins), American Blueberries, European Blueberries (a.k.a. bilberries), Cornflower petals, Natural flavors (organic compliant).
Small Batch Blended and Packed in: Canada
Tea(s) From: South Africa / Egypt / Turkey / Greece / Bulgaria / Albania
Region(s): Cederberg / Nile Delta River + Fayoum / Anatolya / Corinth / Varna / Tirana
Antioxidant Level: Low
Caffeine Content: None - Caffeine Free Herb
Blueberry bang, we admit, is a strange name for a cup of tea. But did you know the name actually comes from an old recipe of Eastern Canada? To explain we take you to 1930's New Brunswick. In those days a German immigrant named Frederick Wolfhasen began experimenting with new machines to facilitate the picking of the low growing wild blueberries that grew in abundance around his farm. Searching for the ultimate apparatus, Frederick built machines with pulleys, ropes, bicycle pedals, you name it. Everything went swimmingly until one day in August of 1934 when he fired up his latest invention, a diesel powered picker. We must tell you here that back in the old country Frederick was a tailor, not an engineer. Suffice it to say, he probably should have kept clear of the internal combustion engine. He pulled the starter. As it began to whir and rumble, Frederick began to calculate the dollars he would soon line his pockets with.
A half-mile away, Frederick's sturdy wife Gisela began to prepare lunch, a German pancake made from flour, shortening and sugar. As she mixed and stirred she heard what would later be described by the dairyman, who doubled as the local reporter, as a "loud clap, booming and most frightful." Running outside, Gisela froze in her tracks when she saw what would later be described by the same dairyman as, "a wall, nay, a tidal wave of blueberries," flying towards the house. Moments later Gisela, her new sundress, the porch, and her dog Fritz, were plastered. Frederick, whose English was still not all that good, covered the half mile back to the farm house in a mere 5 minutes yelling, "Blueberries! Bang! Gisela!" over and over as he did so. By the time he arrived, Gisela, being the good stout wife that she was, was already back in the kitchen stirring her dough, which was now peppered richly with the deliciously sweet wild blueberries. Frederick blurted again, "Blueberries! Bang! Gisela!" To which Gisela replied, "Yah. Blueberries. Bang. Frederick." Well, about 30 minutes later they sat down to the most delicious dish either of them had ever eaten. At her husband's urging, Gisela later entered the concoction at the local fair and the name stuck.
90 years or so later, we've created this wonderful blueberry bang rooibos tea as a tribute to the Wolfhasens. Caffeine free, rich in minerals and vitamins, we feel that this is one innovative blend the couple would have gone crazy for. Wonderful hot or cold, this tea has the mellow qualities of rooibos with the character of a cupful of fresh wild blueberries. Wunderbar!